How To Wear Red For Heart Health And Awareness

Heart Health Craving CurrentThis February 1st is National Wear Red Day—the perfect opportunity to flaunt a chic color while spreading awareness about heart disease in women. I love this U.S. holiday because it does so much to help women’s health and reduce mortality rates. Plus, it’s a great excuse to wear my favorite color, bold, daring red!

Why and how should you wear red this Feb 1 for National Wear Red Day?

What is National Wear Red Day?

Every year, the first Friday of February is National Wear Red Day. This is a dedicated day to bring attention to the national health concern of heart disease in women. The ultimate goal is to eradicate heart disease and stroke for all, especially women.

Why wear red? The purpose of the day is to spread awareness. The easiest way to start the conversation is with a bold, red outfit that everyone can see. Head to toe red will get people asking you questions, so you can get the convo rolling about heart disease. Talking about it is the best way to alert people to their own health and to keep the medical community working hard towards treatment.

How does heart disease affect women?

Before you throw on your red, you might want to get acquainted with the facts about heart disease in women. The more you know, the more you can spread awareness and assist this incredible cause!

  • Heart disease is not a “male” problem. It is the leading cause of death for women in the U.S., accounting for nearly 1 in 4 female deaths.
  • Heart disease is not related to age. Although it’s more common after menopause, heart disease and related concerns can attack any woman at any age.
  • Risk factors for heart disease include: diabetes, smoking, inactivity, stress, depression, low levels of estrogen, chemo, and pregnancy complications. “Broken heart syndrome” can damage the heart brought on by stressful situations as well.
  • Almost two-thirds of women who die suddenly from heart disease have no previous symptoms, though.
  • Heart disease is responsible for heart attack, heart arrhythmia, heart failure, and stroke.

Everyone is at risk, even if you feel and seem perfectly healthy. It’s important to keep up with your own health and lifestyle to minimize the risk of heart disease.

What can you do to minimize your risk of heart disease?

  • Exercise at least three times per week. Take the stairs. Go for a walk. Play with your dog. Staying active helps keep your heart clear and clean.
  • Maintain a healthy BMI (after discussing this on an individual basis with a doctor). Obesity can put you at risk for diabetes and heart disease.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Add more greens to your diet, as these can keep your blood thin and provide necessary nutrients.
  • Quit or avoid smoking. Limit alcohol intake.
  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress.
  • Manage your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides with your healthcare provider.
  • Make the commitment to your physical and mental health.

Make sure you discuss your risk for heart disease with your doctor, and create a plan together to keep you happy and healthy.

How can you wear red?

Red is a bold, adventurous color. Not everyone feels comfortable rocking red, so we’re here to give you some style tips so you can feel confident and gorgeous while you do your part to spread awareness about heart disease.

1. Go for the red shoes

If you tend to wear neutral colors, a red shoe might be the perfect addition. You can stick to the more subdued clothing you feel comfortable in, but add a pop of color and pizazz on your feet! Red heels are one of the most powerful accessories a woman can own.

Red shoes look especially good with black and white clothing, particularly if you want to dress up a professional work outfit. I guarantee that you’ll get a ton of compliments on your red shoes on National Wear Red Day—so many compliments you’ll want to start wearing them all the time!

2. Know your red shade

Everyone looks good in red—including you. But you can also use different types of red to complement your unique features. For darker skin, an orangey red like tangerine or coral will accentuate your face. For fairer skin, darker reds like maroon or berry is a gorgeous contrast.

Try on different shades to find the color that makes you feel beautiful! Putting a little more red in your closet might be a great 2019 style resolution to expand your look and get outside of your comfort zone.

Keep in mind that what you wear impacts your psychology. So if you know you look amazing in the red you’re wearing, you’ll actually feel sexier and more confident!

3. Mix and match red head-to-toe

If you’re feeling bold and confident, strut your stuff in a completely red outfit from top to bottom. Different shades and tones of red can blend together beautifully, like bright red pants with a maroon sweater.

Wearing all red will definitely make you stand out, and it’s an easy icebreaker to start talking about National Wear Red Day! Plus, the monochromatic look (one color, many shades) is on-trend for 2019.

Learn how to rock the monochromatic trend with the StylishlyMe blog.

4. Wear a LRD

Are you a fan of the LBD (little black dress)? Us too! But the LRD (little red dress) is turning into a classic in its own right. Every woman should consider having a red power dress in their closet when they need a spark of passion and excitement.

We love that you can dress up or dress down a red dress. Throw on your leather jacket for an edgy, relaxed look. Pair it with a white sweater and black leggings for a warm, wintery vibe. Throw on some sparkly heels for a formal event. A well-fitting red dress can be one of the most versatile pieces in your closet!

The little red dress works effortlessly with the other 11 classic essentials you should have in your closet.

Psst… Going on a date? Go for the little red dress. Red can actually make you more attractive and appealing! According to Psychology Today, red is considered a “sexy” color, but it’s also associated with power and prestige. That LRD will show off both your strong and sultry sides! Plus, red can make you feel more confident and bold, so you’ll be more “you” on your date.

5. Rock the red accessories

You don’t have to buy a bunch of red outfit pieces if you’re not comfortable wearing a bolder color or pattern just yet. Start by throwing on some gorgeous red accessories that highlight the rest of your look.

  • Red gloves are an elegant addition to a black trench coat or denim jacket.
  • Red earrings will make your face and hair pop in a subtle way.
  • A red scarf or hat will bring you into the Wear Red Day party in a confident, yet restrained way this winter.
  • Red topaz or rubies are a classy, sparkly addition to any neutral outfit.
  • Red handbags are fun and daring, and they’ll instantly upgrade your outfit. (But you can also set them aside if you have a more conservative workplace or personal style.)
  • Paint your nails red or wear a bold red lip. Delicate red accents in your makeup will emphasize Wear Red Day without needed to change your wardrobe too much.

Read: 9 Winter Accessories That Never Go Out Of Style

National Wear Red Day is the perfect time to try a new style, dress boldly, and spread awareness about a really important national health concern! Dress beautifully, live healthfully.

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen