Fashion Aesthetic Quiz: Which Fashion Style Fits You?

Style Quiz

There are a lot of fashion aesthetics trending on social media right now… So which aesthetic fits you best? Take this 13-question quiz to find out your perfect trending fashion aesthetic!

Here’s how it works: On a piece of paper or the Notes app on your phone, keep track of each letter that corresponds to your answers for each of the 13 questions. If you get mostly one letter, that’s probably a great go-to vibe to try out (if you aren’t already)! If you get a mix of various letters, you might want to incorporate different elements from different aesthetics to create something uniquely you. 

1. Where would you rather hang out?

2. Which film would you rather watch?

  • A. Little Women or Pride & Prejudice
  • B. The Breakfast Club or Coyote Ugly
  • C. Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Pretty Woman
  • D. Devil Wears Prada or Legally Blonde
  • E. Crazy, Stupid, Love or The Avengers
  • F. Titanic or The Great Gatsby
  • G. Clueless or 10 Things I Hate About You
  • H. Harry Potter or Dead Poets Society

Psst… Check out these 22 best fashion movies and TV shows on Netflix in 2022.

3. Choose an accessory:

  • A. Flower crown
  • B. Waist bag / hip bag
  • C. Gold hoops
  • D. Anything bright or patterned
  • E. Go-to sunglasses
  • F. Neck scarf
  • G. Colorful scrunchie
  • H. Satchel

4. Choose an ice cream flavor:

  • A. Rose (or other floral flavor)
  • B. Chocolate chip cookie dough
  • C. Mint chocolate chip
  • D. Rocky road with hot fudge
  • E. Vanilla or chocolate
  • F. Lemon custard
  • G. Cotton candy with rainbow sprinkles
  • H. Coffee

5. Choose a hobby:

  • A. Gardening
  • B. Listening to music
  • C. Interior design
  • D. Collecting
  • E. Working out
  • F. Breadmaking
  • G. Photography
  • H. Journaling

7. Which phrase is the motto of your life?

  • A. Wander where the Wifi is weak
  • B. Life is too short to wear boring clothes
  • C. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
  • D. Less is a bore
  • E. Work hard, play hard
  • F. Be as beautiful on the inside as the outside
  • G. Have more fun
  • H. Life is art, fashion, and books

8. How would your friends describe you?

  • A. Chill
  • B. Outgoing
  • C. Elegant
  • D. Expressive
  • E. Generous
  • F. Classic
  • G. Trendy
  • H. Intellectual

9. Which vacation sounds best?

  • A. Visiting New England in the fall
  • B. Exploring NYC neighborhoods
  • C. Soaking up the sun in SoCal
  • D. Moseying through the Louvre in Paris
  • E. Surfing and relaxing in Hawaii
  • F. Riding a Vespa along the Amalfi Coast
  • G. Tanning on a tropical island
  • H. Wandering through Vienna

10. How would you describe your style?

  • A. Escapist
  • B. Hip
  • C. Clean
  • D. Eccentric
  • E. Relaxed
  • F. Timeless
  • G. Cute
  • H. Smart

11. Which is your dream house?

  • A. Cute cottage in the countryside
  • B. Trendy apartment with exposed brick
  • C. A tiny home that’s clean and sleek
  • D. Any home that’s filled with all your favorite things
  • E. A colonial-style home or farmhouse with a big yard
  • F. Victorian era house in New England
  • G. Grown-up Barbie’s dream house
  • H. A stone castle with grand staircase

12. Which of these wardrobe essentials do you wear the most?

  • A. Maxi skirt
  • B. Graphic sweatshirt
  • C. Satin dress or skirt
  • D. A statement purse
  • E. Basic white or black tee
  • F. Nude pumps
  • G. Denim jeans
  • H. Knit sweaters and cardigans

13. Which pattern would you wear?

  • A. Floral
  • B. Graphic prints
  • C. Solid colors
  • D. Mismatched animal prints
  • E. Stripes
  • F. Polka dots
  • G. Smiley faces and hearts
  • H. Plaid

Now it’s time for the results!

Mostly As: Cottagecore

cottagecore fashion aesthetic

Your style is cottagecore! Cottagecore is the aesthetic that reflects countryside styles from the past. Think The Shire meets The Secret Garden – but with modern amenities and style. This is a dreamy, romantic aesthetic that prioritizes hobbies like gardening, sewing, and stopping to smell the roses. You might like ruffles, floral prints, puffy sleeves, lace, and flowy dresses. You have the perfect mix of bohemian and romantic, and whenever you get dressed in a cottagecore outfit, you feel like you’ve just stepped out of an ethereal, nostalgic dream.  

Shop cottagecore now.

Mostly Bs: Streetwear vibes

streetwear vibes fashion aesthetic

You are a downtown darling with cool streetwear vibes. Streetwear has become increasingly popular as more and more celebrities are sporting graphic tees, baggy jeans, and sneakers. You prioritize comfort, so you might like more oversized pieces, but you also like making a statement with what you wear. Fashion is a form of modern art to you. You might like pairing different textures or trying out different types of bomber or puffer jackets. Chunky jewelry, bucket hats, hoodies, and designer sneakers will give your outfits that extra edge that makes your style so chic and cool.

Shop designer streetwear pieces.

Mostly Cs: Minimalist elegance

minimalist elegance fashion aesthetic

Your elegant minimalist style gives you a clean, classic, and timeless look. You focus on classy fashion rather than what’s trending. You have a curated closet of basic pieces, but you know how to style them with accessories in a way that always looks chic. You probably lean towards more neutral colors that suit your natural coloring, and you feel incredibly satisfied when your monochrome outfit matches the clean aesthetic of your home. This aesthetic’s tailored, high-quality pieces will never go out of style – and neither will you.

Shop classic beauty here.

Mostly Ds: Maximalist artsy

maximalist artsy fashion aesthetic

You are a maximalist who uses fashion to express yourself. You might often hear people say to you, “You look amazing! I could never pull that off!” That’s because you wear eccentric styles that are 100% unique and 200% fun. You like bold patterns, bright colors, lots of layering, audacious silhouettes, and lots of texture. In a post-COVID world, people are realizing that self-expression is more important than ever – and your maximalist style is at the forefront of that movement! What’s so cool about this vibe is that you can constantly create new looks that have never been worn before. Never stop being uniquely you!

Shop rebellious styles here.

Mostly Es: Normcore

normcore fashion aesthetic

One of the newest aesthetics on the scene is also one of the most classic. Normcore refers to the fashion movement of dressing simply and simple dressing. It moves away from caring about trends and mainstream fashion to instead investing classic pieces that make you look and feel good. This includes looks like 1) the classic denim jeans, white tee, and cute flats for going shopping, 2) black leggings, an oversized sweater, and knee-high boots for fall, 3) a go-to pencil skirt and tailored blazer for work, and 4) athleisure outfits for relaxing. Normcore is for those gorgeous, gorgeous girls who dress for comfort and for their own enjoyment.

Mostly Fs: Retro-vintage

retro vintage fashion aesthetic

You’re a fan of vintage clothing items. You might like more traditional outfits with a 1950s and ‘60s vibe, or you may even go all the way back to the flapper girl era of the ‘30s. Or maybe you love any hidden treasure that you uncover at a consignment store. You don’t care about modern trends as much as you do about personal style. You like timeless, investment pieces, and you probably love secondhand shopping to save unique pieces from landfills. The retro-vintage look is classic and feminine – and it’s also a sustainable aesthetic if you buy all of your clothes from a consignment store like Current Boutique!

Shop gorgeous vintage pieces here.

Mostly Gs: On-trend Y2K

y2k fashion aesthetic

You’re always up with the latest trends, and you particularly love the fun nostalgia of the Y2K resurgence! Your clothes bring us back to a time of tech booms and some of the best pop culture of all time. You like metallic clothes and neon accessories, bubblegum pink and pastels, smiley faces and cartoon flowers, tracksuits and cropped sweaters, low-rise jeans and baby tees. The Y2K trend is hot for 2022, but we expect this nostalgia-style clothing will stick around for quite a while since it brings so much joy to fun ladies like you!

Check out some metallic designer pieces that your Y2K wardrobe needs.  

Mostly Hs: Light/dark academia

light academia fashion aesthetic

You embody the light or dark academia aesthetic. You likely find inspiration from and solace in art, literature, and writing. You dress the way books smell. You likely wear a lot of crewneck sweaters, tweed blazers, pleated skirts, button-down shirts, and cardigans. You love pieces that are both comfortable and polished, especially fabrics like cashmere, linen, and corduroy. Light academia leans more towards a brighter aesthetic with white, cream, and beige, while dark academia has a more autumnal palette of browns, beige, and chestnut and a heavier overall vibe. Like cottagecore, this aesthetic has an escapist vibe, launching you to Hogwarts or classical libraries every time you get dressed.

What is your fashion aesthetic?

Try out your new aesthetic by stocking up on high-quality designer pieces from Current Boutique. Your wallet will thank you!

Send this article to your three best friends to compare your fashion aesthetic results!

Photo sources: 

  • Cottagecore:
  • Streetwear vibes:
  • Minimalist elegance:
  • Maximalist artsy:
  • Normcore:
  • Retro vintage:
  • On-trend Y2K:
  • Light academia: 

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen