Are Fashion Trends Killing Individuality?

Are Fashion Trends Killing Individuality?

Fashion trends change and evolve at an increasingly rapid pace, and some people argue that these fast trends stifle individuality in the name of rampant materialism. Is it true that fashion trends undermine our ability to express our unique personalities, or are trends just one facet of a growingly artistic fashion industry? Here’s our Current Boutique take on trends.

The eco-impact of fashion trends  

Fashion trends have been around since the dawn of time. In ancient civilizations, people wore what was practical and available, but they also wore what was considered fashionable and socially acceptable at the time. But modern fashion has taken on a new meaning. These days, we have more resources, labor, and global connection at our fingertips, which means fashion trends can come and go more quickly. While fashion trends used to last several years in decades past, today’s fashion trends change with the season; and with the introduction of social media, fashion trends sometimes change even by the month or week.

The fast turnover of contemporary fashion trends creates an environment of consumerism and excess. Fast fashion particularly perpetuates a throwaway culture by encouraging people to continuously buy new clothes and “throw out” items that don’t serve them. But this is detrimental to the environment, creating an industry that produces 92 million tons of textile waste yearly. The fashion industry has become one of the leading industries impacting global warming; for example, fashion is responsible for 20% of global wastewater.

The statistics are alarming, and fashion trends may be to blame. Slower trends with an emphasis on high-quality basics mean less waste ending up in landfills, fewer resources used, and less of an impact on the environment.

There’s one caveat, though. In the past two years, we’ve seen a massive uptick in the “trend” of sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. More and more fashionistas and stylists are starting to wear thrifted and preloved pieces in an effort to reduce their impact on their environment. In this way, the fashion “trend” of sustainability is actually doing good for our planet! We hope this sustainability trend is more than just a trend; we anticipate that consignment shopping and sustainable “new” fashion will be the standard in fashion moving forward.   

You might like: 5 Ways Shopping and Selling on Consignment is Good for the Earth.

The individuality impact of fashion trends

Along with environmental concerns, many people believe that fashion trends foster a lack of individuality. If everyone is chasing the same trends and wearing the same big box store clothing, it becomes increasingly difficult to stand out and express your unique personality.

But this doesn’t have to be the case. The chicest fashionistas embrace the latest trends while adding their own spin. They adapt to more modern ideas of clothing and use those trends as a backbone for conveying their own identities. In this way, fashion trends become more like a means of self-discovery, allowing people to explore new styles, try new things, and experiment with self-expression. Wear the trends that suit you and leave the ones that don’t.  

Are “classic” clothes better than fashion trends?

Although fashion trends still dominate the industry, there has been a resurgence of interest in capsule wardrobes and elevated basics. These “classic clothes” – which are high-quality and timeless in design – offer a sense of sophistication and elegance that transcends fleeting trends. These pieces allow individuals to cultivate a personal style that isn’t dictated by the ever-changing whims of the fashion industry.

A capsule wardrobe consists of carefully curated items that can be mixed and matched, adding versatility to the wardrobe. This prioritizes quality over quantity and minimizes the pressure to constantly update your wardrobe according to current trends. This leaves room to cultivate a personal style rather than being swayed by external influences.

However, capsule wardrobes also have their limitations. Although they offer a sense of timelessness, they may not always align with an individual’s preferences or diverse fashion expressions. Relying solely on a few essential pieces could result in a lack of experimentation and self-discovery that makes fashion so fun.

Fashion trends + capsule wardrobes

Many women are starting to create a more hybrid approach to fashion. Elevated basics are the crux of the wardrobe with essential pieces like quality little black dresses, t-shirts, trousers, etc. Incorporating current fashion trends help infuse personality into your wardrobe, making your closet unlike any other capsule wardrobe. The chicest and happiest fashionistas are those that use a capsule wardrobe as a jumping-off point and incorporate trends to add their own spin.

Embrace happiness and authenticity in your fashion choices 

Neither fashion trends nor capsule wardrobes kill individuality. What kills individuality is a culture that emphasizes “fitting in.” If you were born to stand out, you don’t have to worry about trends hurting your sense of self or style. Buy pieces you truly love, and your outfits will explode with personality, individuality, style, and assurance. You can make anything look good if you wear it with confidence.

While fashion trends can be exciting, use them as a source of inspiration rather than the end-all be-all your fashion life. Don’t blindly follow trends; instead, selectively incorporate them into your wardrobe in a way that aligns them with your preferences and style.

The key lies in developing a conscious approach to fashion by prioritizing clothes that make you feel good. Instead of conforming to social expectations of fashion trends, look for garments that reflect your true self and empower you. You’ll always find joy in your closet if you wear clothes that reflect your values.

Preloved pieces help you find yourself

Consignment shopping has come to the forefront of self-expressive fashion. Discovering hidden treasures in preloved stores is the best way to find one-of-a-kind pieces that speak to your unique identity and sense of style.

One of my favorite advantages of preloved pieces is their ability to tell a story. Every garment carries a history with it – whether through its previous owner(s) or the era in which it was created. By buying these pieces, you’re connecting to people, places, and time periods in a way that facilitates a truly beautiful fashion experience. 

So many of our customers at Current Boutique see consignment shopping as an introspective, almost-meditative experience. It lets you move past trends and societal expectations to find the perfect pieces that speak to your authentic self. The next time you browse a consignment store or website, think of it as a journey of self-discovery… One garment or accessory at a time!

Check out the other benefits of consignment shopping here.

Fashion trends don’t kill individuality

Fashion trends influence how we shape our personal style choices, and there are valid concerns about their impact on consumerism and homogeneity. On the flip side, classic clothes and capsule wardrobes emphasize a more timeless style and personal preference, but they may not incorporate enough individuality either.

The way to truly express fashion personality is to strike a balance between the two: embracing trends while focusing on high-quality pieces that will withstand the test of time. The most important part of fashion is finding clothes that make you feel good. This can help you craft a personal style that reflects you – rather than you reflecting the fashion industry.  

Want to find trend inspiration that is both “hot” and timeless? Check out Current Boutique’s Trends section, which tells you the chicest looks in fashion while offering timeless and high-quality preloved pieces you won’t find elsewhere.

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen