7 Reasons Cool Girls are Shopping Small in 2022

Big box stores are out, and small businesses are in. Mainstream fast fashion isn’t so mainstream anymore. Unique items from local retailers and thrift shops have become the new norm, and we are here for it.

COVID-19 has had a lot of impacts on the fashion industry, from the shift in streetwear trends to how we choose to spend our hard-earned money. More consumers have learned the negative implications of fast fashion and corporate retailers, like unethical and unsustainable practices. With more information about fashion sustainability coming to light, consumers are starting to buy more from small and local businesses, leaving big box retailers in the dust. 

What are some of the main reasons cool girls are shopping small in 2022?

1. Small businesses are more sustainable.

Small businesses are often more sustainable than large corporations. In general, small businesses function more locally and care more about their resource expenditure. They require less transportation of goods during the manufacturing and selling processes. By reducing transportation, small businesses are lowering their carbon footprint by producing less traffic, less pollution, and less resource depletion.

For example, Current Boutique is a nationwide company, but a bulk of our goods are sourced from local women in the Washington D.C. area. Women will bring their used items in-store to sell – and they’ll buy in-store while here too! While we ship across the country, we are dramatically reducing our “brown box” footprint, because we are not moving goods from factories to warehouses to stores to customers. Our goods come in in-store or are mailed to us in a single box, then those products go out in-store or in one box. That’s the entirety of the transportation line. Plus, the nature of our business as a consignment store is highly sustainable in that we are reselling preloved items, further minimizing the use of resources and energy to create new products. Learn more about why shopping and selling on consignment are better for the earth here.

2. Shopping small stimulates your local economy.

You spend $10 on a shirt. Would you rather have $5 of that $10 go back into your community to fund local schools, projects, roads, and government or be sent out of your community to the pockets of big corporate CEOs? That’s the difference between shopping small and shopping at chain retailers. A Michigan study showed that only 14% of money spent at chain stores stays in the local economy compared to 48% of the money that’s spent at small, independent retailers.

Buying local is better for your community. Sales tax revenue from small businesses partially supports local government. That means the money you spend is being reinvested in the community. Big box stores, on the other hand, often get huge tax breaks (that small businesses don’t). That money is funneled away from the store to support their own company, rather than their employees or the communities in which they reside.

Money spent at small businesses cycles back into your community, creating a thriving and growing town.

3. Small business owners are more likely to give back to the local community.

Small businesses are usually owned by people who live in your community. This means they are rooted in the town and are less likely to leave, which means they are more invested in the future of the community. In turn, these business owners are more likely to support local charities, groups, and nonprofits than big box stores are.

In fact, studies show that small businesses donate 250% more to local nonprofits than large businesses do. 66% of small businesses give to local charities, giving on average about 6% of annual profits. This is money for local charities, youth organizations, first responders, service groups like Rotary Club and Boy/Girl Scouts, religious organizations, soup kitchens, etc.

By shopping small, you aren’t just supporting one business. You’re often supporting an entire network of local businesses, nonprofits, and services that make your community a better place to live.

4. Small businesses create more jobs.

It’s a myth that corporations create more jobs. Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, employing 47.3% of the private workforce. Small companies create about 1.5 million jobs annually and account for 64% of new U.S. jobs, according to the SBA. Without employment from small businesses, the unemployment rate in this country would implode our economy.

Small businesses don’t just create more jobs but better quality jobs too. They offer opportunities to locals who are trying to make a living, grow their skillset, and contribute to their community. Small businesses generally offer better pay, better management, better working conditions, and overall a better work environment for employees. Check out these 17 reasons you might want to work for a small business, according to Monster.

5. Small businesses often have improved customer service.

Small businesses rely on their customers. Their livelihood depends on you and your purchases. So, they work diligently to make sure they are offering a top-notch experience to their customers. If you don’t have a great experience, most small businesses will try to right the wrong and improve your experience however they can. Big box stores generally don’t need or care about your purchase. They are so large that they don’t have the time to truly show empathy for your concerns.

When you have a return, a question, or a concern, big box stores will send you to a robot or underpaid employee who doesn’t care about you. With a small business, though, you know that you are dealing with a knowledgeable, trained employee who cares about their business, their product, and their customers.

Your purchase makes a huge difference to a small business. It’s just a drop in the bucket for large corporations.

6. Small businesses make towns unique.

If America only had big box stores, every American downtown would look and feel exactly the same. It’s those small businesses – the quirky boutiques, cute bookstores, and local restaurants – that give towns their charm.

If you love your town, supporting small business means supporting your local culture and its people. Similarly, if you love to travel to new and unique places, supporting each town’s local business is a great way to maintain the charm that brought you as a tourist to that city in the first place.

7. You are directly supporting someone’s dream.

Small business owners don’t open a business because it’s easy or stable. They start their own business because they believe in themselves and their product. They have committed their lives to this business – with all the highs and lows that come with owning a small business. They are actively pursuing their aspirations and goals by opening this business. To you, it may seem like a consignment shop, a small bookstore, or a coffee roaster, but to the owner, this is their life’s work and mission. Every dollar spent at a small business is a dollar directly helping someone achieve their dreams. Just by shopping small, you are showing incredible kindness and generosity to entrepreneurs in your community.

Want to take the next step? Learn How to Support Small Business This Holiday Season.

Thank you for your support!

From all of us at Current Boutique, thank you for shopping small this 2022! Your support of local businesses is helping to create a better community, a better fashion industry, and a better tomorrow. We appreciate you! 

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO www.www.currentboutiqueshop.com


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen