22 Fashion Quotes to Inspire You This 2022

My Favorite Fashion Quote!I love putting quotes on my mirror, in my purse, or on my phone to keep me focused, inspired, and energized throughout the day – and I know my empowered fashionista community feels the same way. That’s why I collected 22 of my favorite fashion quotes to inspire you this 2022 to go out into the world with confidence, style, and joy. Which is your favorite?

Coco Chanel Fashion Quotes

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel

Don’t be afraid to stand out and wear clothes that make you happy. Love bright colors? Rock them! Always wanted to try animal prints? Go for it! This year, the hottest trend in fashion is being yourself.

Donatella Versace Fashion Quote

“Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream.” – Donatella Versace

Have you ever looked at an outfit and instantly been whisked away to another time or place? Maybe a blue and white maxi skirt makes you feel like you’re in Santorini, or a pair of linen overalls make you feel like a creative artist with a penchant for collecting daisies. Science shows that the way we dress impacts our mood and behavior, so don’t be afraid to dress big and dream big! Fashion can be inspirational, sparking ideas, nostalgia, and moments of beauty for its wearers.

Giannni Versace Fashion Quote

“The difference between style and fashion is quality.” – Gianni Versace

Stop spending money on fast fashion that’s low quality and doesn’t look right or fit right. Investing in quality pieces that will withstand the test of time is not only better for the environment, but it will also take your style and elegance up a notch. Quality is one of the pillars of always looking classy

Edith Head Fashion Quotes

“You can have anything if you dress for it.” – Edith Head

This statement (by one of the most renowned costume designers of all time) isn’t just inspirational – it’s scientifically true! Studies show that people who dress for success are actually more successful, based on what they’re wearing. For example, wearing a formal business outfit leads to more abstract thinking, while wearing a doctor’s coat can make you focus better. So, it’s true that you should dress for the job (or the life) you want, not the one you have. Check out these 9 fascinating facts about fashion psychology.

Anne Klein Fashion Quotes

“Clothes aren’t going to change the world. The women who wear them will.” – Anne Klein

Although I’d say that the invention of blue jeans or high heels changed the world, it is only thanks to confident, beautiful, kind-hearted, gracious women like you (who are rocking jeans and heels) that life can change and get better. If you’re ever feeling down, check out this article on how to use positive self-talk to look prettier.

Alexander McQueen Fashion Quotes

“Fashion should be a form of escapism and not a form of imprisonment.” – Alexander McQueen

Don’t feel constrained to certain trends, even if everyone else is doing it. Like any art form, fashion should be a form of self-expression that brings out the most creative, beautiful, and exciting parts of yourself.

Oscar De La Renta Fashion Quotes

“Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.” – Oscar De La Renta

It can be fun to dress in trends if you like those trends, but it loses its fun when you dress solely for the sake of being trendy. If you want to truly exude elegance and grace, then you want to adopt those trends, styles, silhouettes, and colors that speak to your unique sense of style and self.

Curious why trends go in and out of style? Check out our article about cyclical fashion trends here.

Yves Saint Laurent Fashion Quotes

“Fashions fade, style is eternal.” – Yves Saint Laurent

Trends go in and out. Silhouettes, styles, and colors will all have their day. But true style comes from knowing what looks good on you and what makes you feel good, so you can walk with your head high and shoulders back, knowing you rock everything you put on.

Coco Chanel Fashion Quotes

“Every day is a fashion show, and the world is your runway.” – Coco Chanel

Dress up! Wear your favorite dress. Don’t save it for special occasions. Every day is a special occasion because you are alive. Wearing your favorite outfits will make you happier and more confident, and that’s the best way to live your life.

Cushnie and Ochs Fashion Quotes

“Life’s too short to wear boring clothes.” – Carly Cushnie and Michelle Ochs

Another wonderful quote about wearing clothes that make you feel happy and free, brought to you by the talented and inspirational duo behind Cushnie et Ochs. 

Iris Apfel Fashion Quotes

“When you don’t dress like everybody else, you don’t have to think like everybody else.” – Iris Apfel

See a trend here? Wear what you want, and life will open doors for you. I adore Iris Apfel. She is an incredible influencer in the sphere of fashion, art, and living happily – and she’s 100 years old!

Marc Jacobs Fashion Quotes

“To me, clothing is a form of self-expression. There are hints about who you are in what you wear.” – Marc Jacobs

What does your clothing say about who you are? Does it say you are a fierce businesswoman? A loving friend? A gracious and good-hearted stranger? The next time you look at someone else’s outfit, notice what your first impressions of them are. How do you perceive them best on what they are wearing? Then, do the same for yourself to see how your fashion is presenting you to the world.

Vera Wang Fashion Quotes

“I want people to see the dress but focus on the woman.” – Vera Wang

Vera Wang, the celebrated wedding dress designer, knows that dresses are only as beautiful as the woman inside them. Remember that fashion is about accentuating your best features. Don’t change yourself to fit a certain style; rather, find the styles that suit the unique beauty of you!

Seohyun Fashion Quotes

“Good shoes take you to good places.” – Seohyun

Seo Ju-Hyun is a gorgeous South Korean singer and actress who said it best. Whether it’s traveling across the world, meeting a new friend, or exploring your hometown, you need the right pair of shoes to bring you there.

Coco Chanel Fashion Quotes

“Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.” – Coco Chanel

I love all Coco Chanel has to say about fashion and life, but this one always hits home with me. The Chanel brand represents internal beauty as much as external beauty, which is one of the reasons I think it has become one of the most feminine and timeless brands of all time.

Audrey Hepburn Fashion Quote

“Why change? Everyone has their own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it.” – Audrey Hepburn

It’s not easy to find your sense of style. That’s why I wrote an entire article about how to unlock your style! But once you’ve found a vibe you like, lean into it and make it yours. It might be simple and classic or it might be more playful and unique, but your style is uniquely you, and that’s what makes it so special! Also check out this quiz to find out which style suits you best!

Emma Watson Fashion Sustainability

“As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.” – Emma Watson

Emma Watson has become a key influence when it comes to spreading awareness about sustainable fashion and how fast fashion is damaging the environment. She focuses on fair trade, cruelty-free, and sustainable clothing and educates others on the social and environmental dangers of an unsustainable fashion economy. Learn more about fashion sustainability here.

Diane Von Furstenberg Fashion Quotes

“Confidence. If you have it, you can make anything look good.” – Diane von Furstenberg

Whether you’re wearing a classic monochrome white outfit or a trendy bright neon jumpsuit, it won’t look “right” unless you’ve got the confidence, attitude, and smile to go with it.

Tory Burch Fashion Quotes

“If it doesn’t scare you, you’re probably not dreaming big enough.” – Tory Burch

Although this isn’t directly related to fashion, this fashion quote comes from one of my favorite clothing brand designers of all time. Nothing in life that’s worth having comes easy, so don’t be afraid to do things that scare you. Sometimes, that means getting out of your comfort zone fashion-wise.

John Galliano Fashion Quotes

“The joy of dressing is an art.” – John Galliano 

I started thinking of getting dressed as an art, and it completely changed the way I looked at my closet. I used to feel overwhelmed by all the different aspects of styling an outfit. But now I think of everyday fashion as an art form. There are “rules” to art, but sometimes breaking those rules can be even more magnificent than following them.

Carrie Bradshaw Fashion Quotes

“I like my money where I can see it. Hanging in my closet.” – Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) 

The only fictional character on this list, but to us, she feels as real as anyone else. Carrie Bradshaw is the epitome of investing in clothes that make you happy, whether it’s a tulle skirt or a pair of comfortable heels.

Comfy Clothes Fashion Quote

“May your clothes be comfy, your coffee be strong, and your days be happy.” 

Need we say any more?  

Which of these fashion quotes most resonates with you?

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO www.www.currentboutiqueshop.com


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen