17 Fashion Tips to Feel Like You Have Your Life Together

You have your life together outfits

Some women always look like they have it all together. Their sneakers are bright white, their clothes never wrinkle, and they always have a smile on their face. The “clean girl” aesthetic is all the rage on social media these days because it gives off that simple, fresh-out-of-the-shower vibe that’s minimalist yet elevated. If you’re looking to upgrade your style, I’ve gathered some of my favorite fashion tips that will make you feel like you always have it all together.

1. Put on sunglasses

sunglasses to look chic

Wearing sunglasses has to be number one on this list because it’s my favorite hack for looking effortlessly chic. A quality pair of sunglasses can take even the most casual outfits and make them look purposeful and sophisticated. Best yet, they help protect your eyes and the sensitive skin around your eyes from sun damage – it’s a win-win!

Not sure which sunglasses will work best with your face shape and style? Learn how to choose the right sunglasses here.

2. Find the perfect watch

Like sunglasses, a high-quality watch always looks classy and classic. Watches have been a sort of “status symbol” for decades, indicating a person’s sense of style and taste. But you don’t need to wear a Rolex to look fancy and sophisticated. You just need a quality watch that suits your style and will match most of the outfits you wear regularly.

watch outfit looks put together

Another reason to wear a watch is to stop looking at your phone so often. Even if you’re just checking the time, looking at your phone can be distracting and can pull you away from the task at hand. It can also look rude to those around you in a social setting. Having a watch will allow you to always have the time on-hand while staying in the present moment. Learn more about this in our article about fashion psychology!

Find your perfect designer watch – without the hefty price tag – by browsing our jewelry section.

3. Add a swipe of lipstick

bright red lipstick outfit

No matter what your outfit looks like, adding a touch of lipstick will make you look and feel put-together. You could be in sweats and a baseball cap, but a bright red lip will take your outfit from casual to chic in seconds. Plus, it will draw attention to your face, so people won’t notice the pizza stains you have on the oversized tee you’ve been wearing for five days straight.

4. Select a signature scent

Like lipstick, a touch of fragrance will instantly make you feel clean, fresh, and polished. Finding a signature scent that suits your personality will make you feel happy and confident every time you put it on. Or, if you’re like me, you might want a collection of fragrances that you can use for different occasions and seasons.

perfume collection to have your life together

5. Declutter your bag once weekly (or at least monthly)

That purse of yours just keeps getting heavier and heavier. Having a bag that’s too cluttered can ruin your posture and can make it hard to find what you’re looking for in your purse.

Our bags are an extension of us – they keep all of our most important accessories for a busy, fun-packed life. So, taking a few minutes each week to take out old receipts, restock your mint collection, or add a fresh wand of mascara will instantly streamline your bag… and your life!

declutter your purse

What does every woman need in her handbag?

  • Basic makeup (mascara, lipstick, nail file) in case you need it in a pinch
  • Nail file for those annoying hang nails
  • Mints and gums to get rid of coffee breath
  • Hand sanitizer to stay safe and healthy
  • A hair tie or clip in case you want to get your hair off your neck
  • Something sweet in case you are feeling a little hangry
  • Pads and tampons just in case
  • An organized wallet with necessary cards and ID
  • A pair of sunglasses in their case so you can throw them on and instantly have your life together
  • A pen because you never know when you’ll need a pen
  • A portable phone charger so you’re never left without a way to call for assistance if you need it
  • Aspirin or your preferred pain reliever for headaches, cramps, and other aches and pains
  • A small bottle of hand cream or lotion if you tend to get dry

But don’t just throw all these items in your purse. Organize them in different mini-bags within your bags. I like to separate my purse into categories: hair items, makeup, first aid, chargers and cords, and snacks. Each category gets its own bag!

Find your next go-to handbag with our Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Bag.

6. Collect basics

collect neutral basics capsule wardrobe

At least 60% of your wardrobe should be basics. We’re talking jeans, white button-downs, neutral tees, a flattering tank top, a bomber jacket, a little black dress, a cashmere cardigan, and other elevated basics. These wardrobe essentials are the perfect foundation for building endless outfits, and you can supplement with accent pieces and accessories to constantly look fresh. Focus on curating a wardrobe of elevated basics that are high-quality, so you know you’ll always look and feel good when you put them on.

7. Throw on a blazer

blazer to elevate a casual outfit

A must-have work essential has also become a must-have essential for play. A black, fitted blazer will become your best friend, whether you’re owning a presentation at work or hanging out with your friends at brunch. Dress it up with a slip skirt or dress it down with jeans and sandals. A blazer is the easiest way to layer an outfit and instantly look polished.

8. Add more neutrals to your closet

add more neutrals to capsule wardrobe

Neutrals are timelessly sophisticated, so you can wear and re-wear your neutral pieces for seasons to come. They’re easy to mix and match with other pieces in your closet, so building an outfit from neutrals will help you get dressed faster in the morning while still looking put-together.

Psst… Not all neutrals are created equal. Learn which neutrals look best on you here.

9. Choose colors that suit your complexion

how to always look put together

Some colors might wash you out, while others brighten and accentuate your features. Knowing which colors suit you and which don’t will help you to streamline your closet, so everything you put on looks stunning on you. Do your seasonal color analysis here to find out which colors are best for you.

10. Add another texture to your outfit

add textures to your outfit

Does it feel like your outfit is “missing” something, but you don’t know what? The outfit is probably in need of texture! Cotton is the most popular clothing material, but it doesn’t do much in terms of adding visual dimension to an outfit. Adding a few other textures and materials can really take an outfit to the next level. Try out leather (or fake leather to be more sustainable), linen, suede, silk, knit, chiffon, velvet, denim, tweed, suede, seersucker, and other textures to liven up your outfits. Check out these 7 eco-friendly materials to upgrade your wardrobe.

11. Plan your outfit the night before 

plan your outfit the night before

Make your mornings a little less hectic by planning your outfit the night before. Lay out what you’re going to wear. Make sure it’s clean, ironed, steamed, and lint rolled free of pet hair. You might also want to lay out your accessories and even the makeup and hair products you’re going to use. This will mean you aren’t using up all your decision-making juices first thing in the morning, so you can focus on waking up with positive energy and starting your day out right.

12. Label your closet

how to always feel put together

To make getting dressed even simpler, organize your closet. Declutter and clean out your closet, and then label each area. Then, when you do laundry, make sure to put everything back where it’s labeled. When everything has a spot, it’s easier to find what you’re looking for, so you can put together gorgeous outfits without rummaging through your wardrobe or forgetting about those items that fall to the back of your closet.  

Check out our resources on cleaning your closet here:

13. Give your closet a scent

give your closet a signature scent

Once you organize your closet, add a signature “wardrobe” scent. Whether it’s a bar of soap, a beloved candle, or an essential oil diffuser, having a scent that’s specific to your closet will make you excited to wake up and get dressed. Plus, it will make your clothes smell good! Use an invigorating smell like orange, lemon, or grapefruit to help energize you while you get dressed in the morning.

14. Organize your laundry room

organized laundry room

Feeling put together isn’t just about getting dressed. It’s also about caring for your clothes. Organizing your laundry room is just as vital as having an organized closet. Stock your laundry area with lint rollers, a de-piller, stain removers, eco-friendly detergents, shoe sprays and polish, and baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (to whiten your whites). Having everything neatly organized in one spot will make taking care of your clothes on laundry day simple, fast, and easy.

15. Buy more matching sets

matching sets to always look put together

Whether it’s a cashmere loungewear set or tailored pants with a matching tailored vest, matching sets always look put-together. Sets are an instant outfit, but you can also use each piece individually to create even more outfits. Add a few accessories and some cute shoes for a simple yet cohesive vibe.  

16. Do one act of self-care daily

self-care is important

Do at least one thing for yourself every. single. day. Whether it’s taking a nap, going for a walk, exfoliating your face, taking a bubble bath, or playing with your pet, do something that takes care of your body and brain. When you feel good, your smile and confidence will light up any outfit you wear.  

17. Compliment yourself

positive self talk

Look in the mirror. You look incredible! Now, tell yourself at least one thing you love about yourself. Maybe it’s your new outfit choice or an aspect of your personality or how incredible you look in those new sunglasses. Whatever it is, positive self-talk will make you look prettier, so no matter what you’re wearing or doing, you’ll have the confidence and grace to rock your day.  

What do you do to feel like your life is together? We want to know! Tag us in your fashion tips on Instagram @currentboutique.


Photo Sources:

  1. Sunglasses: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2111131064991851/
  2. Watch: https://www.lioninthewild.com/blog/city-to-snow-outfits-i-wore-switzerland
  3. Lipstick: https://www.everydaypursuits.com/blog/2018/8/9/leopard-slip-dress-white-tee-outfit-endless-summer
  4. Perfume: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/12947917670516804/
  5. Declutter bag: https://eluxemagazine.com/fashion/sexy-vegan-handbags/
  6. Basics: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1970393577859920/
  7. Blazer: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/219128338109633148/
  8. Neutrals: https://www.brooklynblonde.com/2020/10/a-tip-for-looking-expensive
  9. Colors: https://www.wendyslookbook.com/2019/10/fall-outfits-pink-coats/
  10. Textures: https://tracychowblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/street-fashion-sue-jacketsatin-skirt/
  11. Plan the night before: https://newdarlings.com/2019/01/master-closet-reveal/
  12. Label closet: https://amberfillerup.com/closet-reveal/
  13. Closet scent: https://www.hunker.com/13711034/diy-spring-scented-room-spray-using-essential-oils
  14. Laundry room: https://rockingreen.com/blogs/rockin-blog/7-organization-ideas-to-upgrade-your-laundry-room
  15. Matching scents: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/851461873315488921/
  16. Self-care: https://theeverygirl.com/what-self-care-looks-like-when-youre-truly-busy/
  17. Mirror: https://solarpoweredblonde.com/creative-mirror-photography-ideas-and-tips/

Carmen Lopez, President & CEO www.www.currentboutiqueshop.com


Hello Fashion Lovers! I've been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. I started Current Boutique with the desire to recycle amazing pre-loved designer gems for others to enjoy! I value quality, unique craftsmanship, sustainability & saving money. I am a fashion lover who is energized by the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. I'm here to share tips on fashion, style, bargain shopping and business. I hope you enjoy!
XOXO, Carmen